Learning Tips to Acquire A Foreign Language

The Language Network
4 min readApr 27, 2022

Learning a foreign language can be very messy and complicated. Here, at The Language Network, we try to simplify this process as much as possible. So, if you are interested in learning a foreign language, to either study in that country, or just to add a feather in your cap. Here are some tips that will help you grasp the language faster.

You can start listening to music in that particular language.

Learn quickly with the help of music. Try to learn the lyrics if you can — it will boost your confidence because you’re singing a song in your desired language. And it really doesn’t hurt that you could dance to some of those tunes too.

Maintain a journal.

Once you complete the A1 level, writing your daily tasks, and/or experiences really helps you understand the sentence formation. It will also give you a good idea of how far you have come learning the language. And generally speaking, journaling is a healthy habit anyway. Win-win.

Try to find someone who knows the language you are learning.

Conversations with a native speaker or someone who has a high level of understanding of the language can definitely hone your linguistic skills and encourage you to start conversing frequently in that particular language.

Reading or listening to the news.

Downloading the news app and reading or listening to the news helps to develop your sense of the language — it also keeps you updated with the culture, political affairs of that country as well as the sporting arena. If you are a sports fan, you probably may already know of the news in the languages you are comfortable in, but imagine how cool it would be if you read about Thomas Müller scoring for Bayern München in the German Bundesliga (Deutscher Fußball Bund) in Deutsch. Dope, eh?

Practice in front of the mirror.

Keep reading the content from your textbooks, or reference books out loud in front of a mirror, in order to enhance your speaking skills and to get the pronunciation right. While learning a new foreign language, the way you write and pronounce words are often pretty complicated and a challenging task so write the pronunciation in your mother tongue and practice. For instance, in French we write un bateau (which means a boat) but we pronounce it as ‘bat-o’.

It takes at least a couple months to get the pronunciations right, if you practice on a daily basis. So, to get it right faster, you must practice and write the pronunciation in your mother tongue or the Devanagari script of Hindi. This has been proved to be the best method to learn the correct pronunciation.

Take down some notes.

Maintain a language book where you can note down the new terms for days of the week, seasons, numbers or even the months of the year. You can also maintain an exercise notebook where you can complete the remaining exercises from the textbook by yourself and also try to find additional puzzles or quizzes online to acquire the language fast.

When you are just starting off with any foreign language, it is always easier to approach a language school that can help you kick ‘Learning a New Language’ off that bucket list and assist you to learn a new foreign language. Follow pages on Instagram, like @thelanguagenetwork, to check out the content for your reference.

We, at The Language Network strive to provide you with all the necessary guidance and support you need to master the foreign language of your choice. So, register for the free demo right now and get in touch with us for your tutoring needs! Visit The Language Network for more details.

I would like to conclude by mentioning a quote written by the famous Flora Lewis –

“Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.”



The Language Network
The Language Network

Written by The Language Network

We are an online Foreign Language teaching company! We’re here on Medium to give you articles that will tickle your mind!

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